So I'm hopping on the "if you really knew me" train, however, I not good at coming up with a whole lot of things in one I think I'll do a mini version and carry it throughout a few weeks. Sound good? Okay here we go.
If you really knew me....
-You'd know that I have two holes pierced in one ear and one in the other. I did the second singular hole my freshman year of college for the specific purpose of being able to wear all the earrings I had lost only one of. Genius plan, right?
-You'd know that I was on a competitive jump rope team for most of my childhood. As a result, I have larger than average calves....And I can still do most of the tricks.
-You'd know that from running the 400m in track (which in my opinion is the most horrible race ever), I still get a nauseous feeling (even as an adult) when I smell a track. Can you say "scarred for life"?
-You'd know that I've always wanted to be an astronaut....and seriously considered majoring in aeronautical engineering. But then decided that even more than that, I wanted to be a momma. Especially, a momma that was present in her children's lives. Maybe someday I'll be able to just hop on a chartered flight to space!
I think that's about it for this round. Check back for some more "if you really knew me" next Wednesday!

Ok, so there was 1 I didn't know...wanna guess which one?:)